A must have for the local glass enthusiast! No breaks cracks chips or repairs! William Driver, an American sea captain from Massachusetts, bestowed the nickname “Old Glory” to the large American flag he flew during his voyages around the world. After retiring, he moved to Nashville, TN, and carefully hid the flag until the end of the Civil War. He proudly flew “Old Glory” atop the capitol building when the war ended. His flag is now in the Smithsonian. Few people know his story, but his nickname for the flag lives on! Born in Naples, Italy, in 1884, he came to America before WWI. He worked for H. Fry in Rochester, Pennsylvania, and had a long career at the Morgantown Glassware Guild in West Virginia. He and his family opened their own business nearby Sky City in 1947, focusing on paperweight production. Wheaton has one on display in their museum. Please see the photos for overall size and condition. String tag containing provenance can be removed easily.