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Superb Signed PAUL STANKARD Art Glass Paperweight with Yellow Flower MINT

Superb Signed PAUL STANKARD Art Glass Paperweight with Yellow Flower MINT

Superb Signed PAUL STANKARD Art Glass Paperweight with Yellow Flower MINT

Superb Signed PAUL STANKARD Art Glass Paperweight with Yellow Flower MINT

Superb Signed PAUL STANKARD Art Glass Paperweight with Yellow Flower MINT

Superb Signed PAUL STANKARD Art Glass Paperweight with Yellow Flower MINT

Superb Signed PAUL STANKARD Art Glass Paperweight with Yellow Flower MINT

Superb Signed PAUL STANKARD Art Glass Paperweight with Yellow Flower MINT

Superb Signed PAUL STANKARD Art Glass Paperweight w/ Yellow Flower MINT. Superb Signed PAUL STANKARD Art Glass Paperweight w/ Yellow Flower. Our paintings and sculpture range from the 17th C. To the modern era. Inspection of our merchandise is available by appointment in our Roger’s Park (Chicago) gallery. FREE PICK-UP IN THE CHICAGOLAND AREA. Up for your consideration is a very fine Paul Stankard paperweight, featuring a large yellow flower. It is signed (with the artist’s cane mark), and numbered. The piece measures about 3″ wide, and 2″ tall, and is in excellent condition, free of flaws. This quote is for the Continental U. International Buyers Please Note. These charges are the buyers responsibility. FREE scheduling, supersized images and templates. Get Vendio Sales Manager. Make your listings stand out with FREE Vendio custom templates! Over 100,000,000 served. Get FREE counters from Vendio today! The item “Superb Signed PAUL STANKARD Art Glass Paperweight with Yellow Flower MINT” is in sale since Tuesday, August 3, 2021. This item is in the category “Pottery & Glass\Decorative Pottery & Glassware\Paperweights”. The seller is “thesapphiregallery” and is located in Chicago, Illinois. This item can be shipped worldwide.

Paul Stankard Demonstration Applying Paperweight Techniques To Borosilicate Glass

A Paul Ysart Patterned Millefiori Paperweight From Post War Moncrieff Period c19

A Paul Ysart Patterned Millefiori Paperweight From Post War Moncrieff Period c19

A Paul Ysart Patterned Millefiori Paperweight From Post War Moncrieff Period c19

A Paul Ysart Patterned Millefiori Paperweight From Post War Moncrieff Period c19

A Paul Ysart Patterned Millefiori Paperweight From Post War Moncrieff Period c19

A Paul Ysart patterned millefiori paperweight. Moncrieff post war period 1947-60. A three row concentric weights surrounded by aventiruine/latticini spokes interspersed with millefiori canes in three-one pattern. Some fine light scratches on the top of the dome. Masterworks: The Paperweights of Paul Ysart by Colin Mahoney, page 130. I have been involved in the antiques business since 1971. My career took a leap forward when I joined Bonhams in 1976. Some five years later I became head of the Decorative Arts department. The item “A Paul Ysart Patterned Millefiori Paperweight From Post War Moncrieff Period c19″ is in sale since Saturday, July 24, 2021. This item is in the category “Pottery & Glass\Decorative Pottery & Glassware\Paperweights”. The seller is “eric-knowles-the-hoard” and is located in High Wycombe. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Country of Origin: Britain
  • Colour: Multi
  • Style: Millefiori
  • Maker: Paul Ysart
  • Material: Glass
  • Original/Reproduction: Vintage Original
  • Type: Paperweight
  • Glassmaking Technique: Millefiori
  • Type of Glass: Elegant Glass
  • Glassware Type: Paperweights

Paul Stankard Waterlilly Paperweight circa 1984

Paul Stankard Waterlilly Paperweight circa 1984

Paul Stankard Waterlilly Paperweight circa 1984

Paul Stankard Waterlilly Paperweight circa 1984

Paul Stankard Waterlilly Paperweight circa 1984

Paul Stankard Waterlilly Paperweight circa 1984

Paul Stankard Waterlilly Paperweight circa 1984. Signed with the S cane and engraved 1984 H132. The item “Paul Stankard Waterlilly Paperweight circa 1984″ is in sale since Friday, October 8, 2021. This item is in the category “Pottery & Glass\Decorative Pottery & Glassware\Paperweights”. The seller is “modernandmore” and is located in Houston, Texas. This item can be shipped to United States.
  • Type: Paperweight
  • Material: Glass
  • Production Style: Art Glass
  • Brand: Paul Stankard
  • Type of Glass: Hand Blown Glass
  • Color: Multi-Color
  • Original/Reproduction: Vintage Original
  • Subject/Theme: Flower
  • Features: Signed
  • Glassmaking Technique: Hand Blown
  • Country of Origin: USA

A Paul Ysart Magnum Patterned Millefiori Paperweight c1950

A Paul Ysart Magnum Patterned Millefiori Paperweight c1950

A Paul Ysart Magnum Patterned Millefiori Paperweight c1950

A Paul Ysart Magnum Patterned Millefiori Paperweight c1950

A Paul Ysart Magnum Patterned Millefiori Paperweight c1950

A Paul Ysart Magnum Patterned Millefiori Paperweight c1950

A Paul Ysart magnum patterned millefiori paperweight. A scramble of millefiori canes and aventurine latticino rods surrounded by an outer ring of canes on a black ground. Couple of air bubbles inside the dome. The Paperweights of Paul Ysart, by Colin Mahoney, pages 128-142. I have been involved in the antiques business since 1971. My career took a leap forward when I joined Bonhams in 1976. Some five years later I became head of the Decorative Arts department. The item “A Paul Ysart Magnum Patterned Millefiori Paperweight c1950″ is in sale since Thursday, August 12, 2021. This item is in the category “Pottery, Porcelain & Glass\Glass\Paperweights”. The seller is “eric-knowles-the-hoard” and is located in High Wycombe. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Country of Origin: Britain
  • Colour: Multi
  • Style: Mid-Century Modern
  • Maker: Paul Ysart
  • Material: Glass
  • Original/Reproduction: Vintage Original
  • Type: Paperweight
  • Glassmaking Technique: Millefiori
  • Type of Glass: Paperweight
  • Glassware Type: Paperweight

Paul Ysart Millefiori Paperweight / Briefbeschwerer

Paul Ysart Millefiori Paperweight / Briefbeschwerer

Paul Ysart Millefiori Paperweight / Briefbeschwerer

Paul Ysart Millefiori Paperweight / Briefbeschwerer

Paul Ysart Millefiori Paperweight / Briefbeschwerer

Paul Ysart Millefiori Paperweight / Briefbeschwerer

Paul Ysart Millefiori Paperweight / Briefbeschwerer. Altersentsprechend sehr guter Zustand. = 8,1 cm. Ohne Gewähr und Rücknahme. Die Renaissance der Paperweightherstellung im 20 Jhdt. Noch nicht richtig und sachgerecht gewürdigt worden, denn ohne die spanische Familie Ysart, hätte es wohl in Europa keine Wiedergeburt dieser wunderschönen Kunst gegeben. Da das Wirken Salvadore Ysarts und seiner Kinder, bezogen auf die künstlerische Form und der Renaissance der Paperweights nur wenigen bekannt ist, möchte ich diese Initialzünder -Familie des 20. Hier mit ein paar Zeilen würdigen. Salvador Isart und seine Frau Enriqueta, sowie seine Söhne Pablo, Augustin und Vincente waren eine spanische Glasmacherfamilie, die Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts nach Frankreich emigrierten. Der vierte Sohn Antonio wurde 1911 in Frankreich geboren. Bis zum Beginn des 1 Weltkrieges, war Salvadore Isart in der Schneidermanufaktur bei Paris tätig. Da die deutsche Front näher rückte, entschied er sich mit seiner Familie den Ärmelkanal zu überqueren und in Schottland nach Arbeit zu suchen, weil dort Glasbläser für den Kriegserfolg gesucht wurden. Bei der Einwanderung wurden dabei ihre spanischen Namen eingebrittischt und so wurde: aus Isart = Ysart, aus Pablo = Paul, aus Augustin = Augustine, aus Vincente= Vincent und aus Antonio= Antoine. Gegen Ende des Ersten Weltkrieges gingen Salvador und Paul nach Glasgow um in verschiedenen Jobs zu arbeiten, bevor beide mit Augustine 1921 in der Manufaktur Moncrieff / Perth ihre Arbeit aufnahmen. Diese Familie war nicht nur talentiert in der Glasmacherei, sondern alle Männer waren auch äußerst musikalisch. Sie spielten: Gitarre, Mandoline, Banjo, Saxophon, Violine, Klarinette, Piano, und Akkordeon. Als Salvadore mit seinem künstlerischen Potential die ersten interessanten Glasgegenstände für Freunde und Bekannte herstellte, wurde die Frau des Besitzers der Manufaktur, Isabel Moncrieff, auf ihn aufmerksam. Sie realisierte als erste das künstlerische Potential der Familie und entwickelte gemeinsam mit Salvadore Formen- und Farbenschemata, die Paul per Hand in sein Diary aufnahm. Um 1924 wurde dann die Glasware unter dem Namen Monart Ware (später unter :Monart Glass) vermarktet. Monart war ein Kunstwort, gebildet aus dem Mon , abgeleitet von Moncrieff, sowie Art, aus dem Namen Ysart. Die Ware bestand im wesentlichen aus Blumenvasen, Flaschen, Dekander, Gläser, Lampen usw. Zur Mitte des Jahres 1925 nahm dann auch Antoine die Arbeit in der Manufaktur Moncrieff auf.. Die Glassware dieser Manufaktur wurde zu jeder jährlichen, Industrieausstellung seit 1924 in Großbritannien ausgestellt und wurde weltweit verkauft (Amerika, Australien, Südafrika). Die Moncrieff Glasware zeichnete sich durch die Verwendung von Aventurin und (den silbrigen) Mica Flakes aus. Im Laufe der Zeit und unter ständigen Experimenten, wurden die Ysarts einfach nur noch immer besser. Bereits vor dem zweiten Weltkrieg stellte Salvadore und Paul Ysart dann auch die ersten Paperweights her. Als der zweite Weltkrieg begann, wurde die Manufaktur Moncrieff dazu verpflichtet, nur noch kriegswichtiges Glas herzustellen und die Kunstglasproduktion einzustellen. Im Dezember 1942 verstarb Antoine bei einem Autounfall. Gegen Ende des zweiten Weltkrieges war Salv adore Ysart mit seinen künstlerischen Ambitionen über die gegenwärtige Kriegsarbeit äußerst frustriert und er verließ deshalb 1946 Moncrieff mit seinen Söhnen Augustine und Vincent und gründete sein eigenes Unternehmen. Da Paul eine junge Familie zu versorgen hatte, verblieb er in der Firma. I m September 1946 gründete Salvadore Ysart mit seinen Söhnen Vincent und Augustine seine eigene Firma: Ysart Brothers Shore Works / Perth, aus der dann 1956 die VASART Glass Ltd. VASART ist ein Kunstname, der sich zusammensetzt aus. 1955 starb Salvadore Ysart. 1956 starb Augustine Ysart. Vincent arbeitete von 1956 bis 1965 in der Vasart Ltd. Und ging 1965 in den Ruhestand. Paul arbeitete bis 1962 bei Monart und ging 1962 als Ausbilder zu Caithness. Dort bildete er William Manson. Peter Holmes und Colin Terris aus. Obwohl Paul dann 1972 in den Ruhestand ging, startete er im gleichen Jahr die Paul Ysart Co. Und arbeitete mit William Manson zusammen. Die Firma ging 1975 in die Paul Ysart Glass Ltd. Die gesamte Zeit von 1972 bis 1979 wird allgemein als seine Harland Periode bezeichnet. Generell unterscheidet man bei ihm folgende Perioden: Pre war Moncrieff / Post war Moncrieff / Caithness / Harland. Der Einfluss der Ysartfamilie in Schottland, aber auch weltweit , wird meines Erachtens bis auf den heutigen Tag unterschätzt, denn aus Ihren Initialzündenden Anfängen gingen später, Strathearn, Perthshire, Selkirk, Phoenix und Caithness hervor. Aber auch die Einzelkünstler: John Deacons, Peter Mc Dougall, Collin Terris, Peter Holmes und Willi Manson wurden durch die Ysarts ganz offensichtlich geprägt. Und noch eine andere Tatsache ist in diesem Zusammenhang sicher interessant: in den 1950er Jahren wurde der Paper- weightsammler Paul Jokelson aus den USA aufgrund des Fachbuches: Old Glass Paperweights;von Evangeline Bergstrom , auf Paul Ysarts Paperweights aufmerksam! In diesem Buch wurden Pauls Paperweights beschrieben als: Identified as unknown maker; signed PY. Jokelsens Neugierde und Interesse führten ihn schließlich nach Schottland. Durch einen Partnerschaftsvertrag von 1956 bis 1979 zwischen ihm, Paul Ysart und der Manufaktur Moncrieff, wurden Pauls Paperweights mit PY- Cane und Zertifikat in die USA geliefert und ganz allein durch Jokelsen vertrieben: er war der exklusive Importeur für die USA. Kontinentale Paperweights Pauls wurden ohne PY Canes hergestellt und so vermarkted. Ysart Glass, Volo Edition 1990, London. Exhibition Catalogue: A celebration of the work of the Ysart family, by the PCC held at Broadfield House Glass Museum 16.6.2013. Masterworks: The Paperweights of Paul Ysart, by Colin Mahoney, Paperweight Press, Santa Cruz 2009. Paperweights aus Glas : Kultur- und kunsthistorischer Hintergrund. Neben dem Glas in der Natur Fulgurite / Obsidian usw. Ist die Frage: was ist Glas? Wurde Glas erfunden oder entdeckt? Mit großer Sicherheit wurde es zufällig entdeckt (bei der Bronze- und Eisenherstellung). Wie alt ist Glas? Was war die alte Funktion von Glas? Wer konnte sich in der Vergangenheit Glas leisten? Nur sehr reiche Menschen! Wo waren die Zentren der Glasherstellung in der Vergangenheit? Ägypten, östlicher Mittelmeerraum, Italien und Mitteleuropa. Wann wurde aus diesem einzigartigen Werkstoff der erste Paperweight /Briefbeschwerer hergestellt? Lange glaubte man, es seien die Italiener Giovanni Francchini und Pietro Bigaglia auf der Wiener Weltanschauung 1845 gewesen, aber inzwischen gilt es als gesichert, dass die ersten Paperweights im böhmisch – schlesischen Raum um 1842 hergestellt wurden. Da es zu dieser Zeit in Europa viele Glashütten gab, verbreitete sich die Herstellung von Paperweights in Europa und den USA in einem rasantem Tempo: wir haben hier die klassische Periode der antiken Paperweights ca. Einzelkünstler standen nicht im Vordergrund, sondern Manufakturen. Bekannte Böhmisch schlesische Manufakturen, sowie Bacchus, Islington, J. Kilner, Richardson, Arculus, Walsh Walsh, Clichy, Baccarat, Saint Louis, Pantin, Saint Mande, NEGC (New England Glass Company), Boston & Sandwich, Pairpoint, Gillinder & Sons, Dorflinger, Mount Whashington, Milville u. Danach ging die Herstellung stark zurück und man spricht hier von der Phase der nachklassischen Paperweights Riedel und Böhmen/Schlesien. Erst durch die spanische Familie Ysart begann im 20. Jahrhundert die Renaissance der Paperweightherstellung. Der Vater, Salvadore Ysart, begann in den 1930er Jahren Paperweights nach den klassischen Vorbildern herzustellen. Mit seinen Söhnen Paul, Vincent und Augustine Ysart belebte er in Schottland bereits vor dem Zweiten Weltkrieg die Paperweight- herstellung. Auch danach gingen wesentlich künstlerische Impulse von dieser Familie aus. Unseres Erachtens wird bis auf den heutigen Tag diese künstlerische Leistung weit unterschätzt, denn aus Ihren initialzündenden Anfängen gingen später, Strathearn, Perthshire, Selkirk, Phoenix, Caithness usw. Aber auch Einzelkünstler, wie z. John Deacons, Peter Mc Dougall, Collin Terris, Peter Holmes und William Manson wurden stark durch die Ysarts geprägt. Durch den amerikanischen Sammler Paul Jokelson, begann in der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts ein immenser Aufstieg bei der Paperweightherstellung mit den Manufakturen in Europa: Murano, Baccarat, St. Louis, Strathearn, Perthshire, Caithness, Selkirk, Whitefriars. David Graeber, John Deacons, Peter Holmes, Peter McDougall, Stefan Bracht, William Manson, Mike Hunter, Allen Scott usw. Und in den USA Glasstudios: Correia Art Glass (Steven Correia, Chris Buzzini, Ken Rosenfeld); Abelmann Art Glass (Mayauel Ward); Lotton Art Glass Charles, Dave & John Lotton; Lundberg Studio Glass (James & Steven Lundberg, Daniel & Davis Salazar); Orient und Fume Art Glass; Parabelle Glass (Doris und Gary Scrutton). Einzelkünstler in den Usa sind : Ronald Rick Ayotte; Ray & Bob Banford;Christopher Chris Buzzini; Jim Donofrio; John Goderhamm; Randall Randy Grubb; Harald hacker, Robert & Ronald Hansen; Charles Kazium; James & Nontas Kontes; Dominik Labino; John Parsley & Gordon Smith; Ken Rosenfeld; Berry Sautner; Paul Stankard; Delmo & Debbie Tarsitano; Mayauel Ward; Francis Whittemore; James Hart usw. Paperweights sind bis heute ein sehr ausgefallener und spezieller Sammelbereich. The item “Paul Ysart Millefiori Paperweight / Briefbeschwerer” is in sale since Thursday, July 29, 2021. This item is in the category “Antiquitäten & Kunst\Glas & Kristall\Dekorglas\Briefbeschwerer”. The seller is “lotbaeu0″ and is located in Lübeck. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Glasart: Dekorglas
  • Ausgewählte Suchfilter: Paperweight
  • Marke: Ysart
  • Material: Glas
  • Original/Reproduktion: Original der Zeit
  • Produktart: Briefbeschwerer

Signed Paul Harrie Rainbow Saturn Series Art Glass Paperweight Sculpture USA

Signed Paul Harrie Rainbow Saturn Series Art Glass Paperweight Sculpture USA

Signed Paul Harrie Rainbow Saturn Series Art Glass Paperweight Sculpture USA

Signed Paul Harrie Rainbow Saturn Series Art Glass Paperweight Sculpture USA

Signed Paul Harrie Rainbow Saturn Series Art Glass Paperweight Sculpture USA

Signed Paul Harrie Rainbow Saturn Series Art Glass Paperweight Sculpture USA

Signed Paul Harrie Rainbow Saturn Series Art Glass Paperweight Sculpture USA

Signed Paul Harrie Rainbow Saturn Series Art Glass Paperweight Sculpture USA

Signed Paul Harrie Rainbow Saturn Series Art Glass Paperweight Sculpture USA

Signed Paul Harrie Rainbow Saturn Series Art Glass Paperweight Sculpture USA

Signed Paul Harrie Rainbow Saturn Series Art Glass Paperweight Sculpture USA

Signed Paul Harrie Rainbow Saturn Series Art Glass Paperweight Sculpture USA

Signed Paul Harrie Rainbow Saturn Series Art Glass Paperweight Sculpture USA

Signed Paul Harrie Rainbow “Saturn Series” Art Glass Paperweight Sculpture. Boasts a Nested Shell Design Featuring a Central Air Bubble Encased in a Matching Rainbow Cage. Cupped by a White Shell as well as Dimensional Alternating Overlays of Clear and Black. Each Side Reveals an Angled Cut Adding to the Overall Artistic Interest and Design. Harrie’s Work Portrays. Precision and Intricate Attention to Detail Rare in Studio Glass. Each Piece is Hand Crafted and Inspected to Ensure the Highest Quality. This Massive Example Measures Approximately 4-3/4 Tall and 4-1/2 in Diameter. Nscribed on the Flat Polished Base. Four Small Bubble Feet are Applied to the Polished Base. HARRIE’S ART IS FEATURED IN STUDIOS ACROSS THE COUNTRY. No breaks and no repairs. A few minimal scratches or rub marks commensurate with age and use, but nothing that is even noticeable or prominent enough that could be photographed. This piece is simply exceptional! Made in The U. Simply Stunning and Absolutely. The item “Signed Paul Harrie Rainbow Saturn Series Art Glass Paperweight Sculpture USA” is in sale since Thursday, April 4, 2019. This item is in the category “Pottery & Glass\Glass\Art Glass\Paperweights”. The seller is “spitfire913″ and is located in Macon, Georgia. This item can be shipped to United States.
  • Country of Origin: United States
  • Style: Mid-Century Modern
  • Original/Reproduction: Vintage Original
  • Features: Harrie
  • Color: Multi-Color
  • Glassmaking Technique: Filigree/Canework
  • Type of Glass: Studio Art Glass
  • Subject/Theme: Rainbow/Saturn
  • Brand: Harrie

Paul Stankard Paperweight lampworked, glass signed

Paul Stankard Paperweight lampworked, glass signed

Paul Stankard Paperweight lampworked, glass signed

Paul Stankard Paperweight lampworked, glass signed

Paul Stankard Paperweight lampworked, glass signed

Paul Stankard Paperweight lampworked, glass signed

Paul Stankard Paperweight lampworked, glass signed

Paul Stankard Paperweight lampworked, glass signed

Artist: Paul Stankard Medium: Glass Size: 2 1/4 x 3″D Signed: “Paul Stankard Experimental Condition: Museum quality with no flaws Signed by the artist and dated. Inventory A43 Includes gallery certificate of authenticity. As always Modern Artifact 100% satisfaction guarantees everything in this listing to be true and accurate. Please review our 100% feedback. Paul Joseph Stankard, considered the father of modern glass paperweights, was born April 7, 1943 as the second of nine children in an Irish Catholic family. He lived in North Attleboro, Massachusetts in his early years. He graduated from Salem County Vocational Technical Institute (now Salem Community College) in Salem, New Jersey with a degree in Scientific Glassblowing. For the first ten years of his work career, he worked as a glassblower making scientific instruments for various chemical laboratories. Stankard, whose driving desire was to “be on the creative side and do what he loves”, started producing glass paperweights in his garage while working in the industry to support his growing family. It was when Stankard displayed his early paperweights at a craft exhibit on the boardwalk of Atlantic City, New Jersey that Reese Palley, an internationally respected art dealer, saw his work and sponsored Stankard financially to move full-time into making glass art. In the early 1960s, paperweights made by other American paperweight makers showcased brightly colored “crafty” type flowers that were not botanically accurate. Stankard labored to make his glass floral designs look more natural and botanically lifelike. His glass flowers were so real looking that many people mistakenly thought that he had found a way to encase actual flowers in glass. Soon thereafter, paperweight makers (mostly American) were following Stankard’s lead. Stankard, who is now an internationally acclaimed artist, is largely credited with changing the status of glass paperweights from that of “craft” to that of “fine art”. Among many other museums, Stankard’s work is exhibited at The Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC; the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, New York; the Musée des Arts Décoratifs and the Musée du Louvre in Paris, France; the Victoria & Albert Museum in London, England; The Corning Museum of Glass in Corning, New York, and WheatonArts and Cultural Center in Millville, New Jersey. In his autobiography, Stankard chronicles his early struggles with dyslexia, which made him score poorly on tests because he couldn’t read the test questions. His high school transcripts showed him graduating at the very bottom of his class with a low IQ. In the book, Stankard describes the pressure and stigma of being labeled a slow learner by an educational system that at the time was not aware of dyslexia and the steps he took to overcome his low self-esteem and learning disabilities to become one of the foremost artists of his generation. World’s Most Demanded Contemporary Artists. Happens 6 times a year with dates and pieces picked at random. Paul Stankard Paperweight lampworked, glass signed. All items are listed with the utmost accuracy. If for some reason your item arrives and is not what was described please reach out to us immediately. No photos are altered and all photography is produced by a professional photographer. Some photos are imposed in living room settings to give you a general idea of what the piece would look like. Others may have a mock up of a framing option we offer. Created for the discerning art collector, Modern Artifact buys and sells some of the world’s most collected and demanded fine art, antiques and memorabilia. Modern Artifacts is headquartered in Minneapolis, MN and has clients all over the world. We establish relationships with many art dealers, collectors and the artists themselves, to ensure our clients are offered an extensive collection to choose from. With many fine works of art by top names such as Robert Wyland, Steve Kaufman and Bert Stern, you are sure to find a piece that catches your eye and inspires your imagination. Shop with us online today and experience one of the industry’s leading art, antique and memorabilia retailers for yourself. High Quality, Unique Works of Art Modern Artifact specializes in high quality, unique works of art. We have the hard to find pieces that you have been searching for and some of the eclectic ones you didn’t even know about but just have to have. We understand the needs of our clients and seek out the pieces they want to add to their collection. Whether you are new to art collecting and are just building your collection, or if you have been collecting fine art and antique for years, Modern Artifact has you covered. Would you like us to frame any of our art to match your current framing or home? We have our own in house framing. We can show you examples and even photoshop the frame onto the piece to give you an idea of what it will look like. Feel free to message us on any framing ideas. Reach out to us regarding financing options. Have a piece you think we would be interested in? Send us a message. Art aficionados in the middle of the frozen tundra: Minnesota. Here are some other pieces we’re currently offering.. LeRoy Neiman Kicker Football Suite Signed Limited Original. Dale Chihuly Original 1982 Large White Seaform Handblown Glass Contemporary Art. Leonardo Nierman Firebird Original Authentic Painting on Masonite 1967. The item “Paul Stankard Paperweight lampworked, glass signed” is in sale since Sunday, May 5, 2019. This item is in the category “Art\Art Sculptures”. The seller is “modern_artifact” and is located in Minneapolis, Minnesota. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Medium: Glass
  • Artist: Paul Stankard
  • Brand: NA
  • MPN: NA

Large vintage Paul Ysart 1930s millefiori glass paperweight

Large vintage Paul Ysart 1930s millefiori glass paperweight

Large vintage Paul Ysart 1930s millefiori glass paperweight

Large vintage Paul Ysart 1930s millefiori glass paperweight

Large vintage Paul Ysart 1930s millefiori glass paperweight

Large vintage Paul Ysart 1930s millefiori glass paperweight

Paul Ysart millefiori paperweight : 84 mm / 3 5/16 inch diameter. Near magnum size, 1930s period. Description: Large (near magnum) millefiori paperweight made by Paul Ysart at the Moncrieff factory in Perth (Scotland) in the 1930s. The concentric circles of complex millefiori canes are set on a deep cobalt blue translucent ground. Central’sugary’ pontil mark on the base, with fine radial lines around it – typical of Paul Ysart’s pieces at this time. There is a slight dark tint to the clear glass, which contains a few tiny bubbles. Size : diameter 3 5/16 inch / 84 mm; height 2 3/8 inch / 60 mm. Condition : very good; no chips, bruises, or scratches other than a few near invisible surface marks picked up over the last 80 years or so. Please remember this is not a brand new item – you may be able to find minuscule marks elsewhere if you search using a magnifying glass. Postal services and charges (Please remember that postal services may be slower than usual because of Covid and Brexit related issues). Bank transfer / wire transfer. Sellers: Alan and Helen Thornton -’The Paperweight People. Other information and relevant matters. Sollten Sie Fragen zu dem Artikel haben, bitte vor dem Bieten mit uns klären! Si vous avez des questions, svp contactez-moi avant que vous enchériez. I endeavour to describe items as accurately and clearly as I can, and to provide appropriate images that form part of the description. Please note that colours can appear slightly different on different computer screens. Please contact me first if you wish to return an item. , and may wish to insure against loss and/or damage. The item must be received by me in the same condition that it was sent – otherwise there will be a charge for any damage and/or depreciation. Any agreement by me to accept such a return would be a courtesy rather than a legal requirement. The item “Large vintage Paul Ysart 1930s millefiori glass paperweight” is in sale since Friday, May 14, 2021. This item is in the category “Pottery, Porcelain & Glass\Glass\Paperweights”. The seller is “tropdevin” and is located in Martock, Somerset. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Country of Origin: Scotland
  • Colour: Multi
  • Maker: Paul Ysart
  • Original/Reproduction: Vintage Original
  • Glassmaking Technique: Millefiori
  • Glassware Type: Paperweights

Paul Allen Counts Signed Large Colorful Egg Millefiori Art Glass Paperweight

Paul Allen Counts Signed Large Colorful Egg Millefiori Art Glass Paperweight

Paul Allen Counts Signed Large Colorful Egg Millefiori Art Glass Paperweight

Paul Allen Counts Signed Large Colorful Egg Millefiori Art Glass Paperweight

Paul Allen Counts Signed Large Colorful Egg Millefiori Art Glass Paperweight

Paul Allen Counts Signed Large Colorful Egg Millefiori Art Glass Paperweight

Paul Allen Counts Signed Large Colorful Egg Millefiori Art Glass Paperweight

Paul Allen Counts Signed Large Colorful Egg Millefiori Art Glass Paperweight

Paul Allen Counts Signed Large Colorful Egg Millefiori Art Glass Paperweight

Paul Allen Counts Signed Large Colorful Egg Millefiori Art Glass Paperweight

Paul Allen Counts Signed Large Colorful Egg Millefiori Art Glass Paperweight

Beautiful Large Heavy Colorful Paperweight in the Millefiori Style. A true piece of art signed by the Artist Paul Allen Counts Information about him is below listing. I put blue sharpie in the signature so I could capture a photo. The blue ink washed off easily. Measures approximately 5 tall and 3.5 wide. Paul Allen Counts produced a lot of work near our area. Please message me with any questions. I pack with extra care. This will be double boxed and very well protected. Thank you for shopping and supporting my Small Business. Master Glass Artist Paul Allen Counts is known for his artistic unique swirling creations filled with amazing colors and pulsating patterns. After attending Palomar Junior College, he worked to receive his Masters of Fine Arts Degree in Glass from Cal State Fullerton in 1985. Over time, Paul studied glass with renowned glass artists including Lino Tagliapietra and Richard Marquis at the Haystack School of Crafts in Maine. Counts has been a Glassblowing Instructor and Department Head at Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa, CA. He also worked as a Teaching Assistant at the Pilchuck Glass School for both Marvin Lipofsky and Fritz Dreisbach. Count’s incredible glass art has been included in great collections plus his work has been shown in major galleries, museums, and juried exhibitions throughout the United States. Paul Allen Counts creates art with glass. He is proficient at so many different glass making techniques, and often uses these complicated processes in one vessel or sculpture. It takes special skills, great determination and superb artistic talent to make these complex creations. The item “Paul Allen Counts Signed Large Colorful Egg Millefiori Art Glass Paperweight” is in sale since Saturday, January 2, 2021. This item is in the category “Pottery & Glass\Glass\Art Glass\Paperweights”. The seller is “mcsantiquetreasures” and is located in San Diego, California. This item can be shipped to United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Denmark, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Czech republic, Finland, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Estonia, Australia, Greece, Portugal, Cyprus, Slovenia, Japan, China, Sweden, South Korea, Indonesia, Taiwan, South africa, Thailand, Belgium, France, Hong Kong, Ireland, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Italy, Germany, Austria, Bahamas, Israel, Mexico, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Switzerland, Norway, Saudi arabia, Ukraine, United arab emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Croatia, Malaysia, Chile, Colombia, Costa rica, Panama, Trinidad and tobago, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Antigua and barbuda, Aruba, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Saint kitts and nevis, Saint lucia, Montserrat, Turks and caicos islands, Barbados, Bangladesh, Bermuda, Brunei darussalam, Bolivia, Egypt, French guiana, Guernsey, Gibraltar, Guadeloupe, Iceland, Jersey, Jordan, Cambodia, Cayman islands, Liechtenstein, Sri lanka, Luxembourg, Monaco, Macao, Martinique, Maldives, Nicaragua, Oman, Pakistan, Paraguay, Reunion, Uruguay.
  • Material: Glass
  • Features: Limited Edition
  • Glassmaking Technique: Millefiori
  • Brand: Paul Allen Counts
  • Subject/Theme: Flower
  • Featured Refinements: Art Glass Paperweight
  • Type: Vintage
  • Style: Eclectic
  • Original/Reproduction: Vintage Original
  • Type of Glass: Crystal
  • Country of Origin: United States
  • Color: Multi-Color